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For inquiries about the ISUR Program, please email

Dr. Natasha Mamaril
Program Director, ISUR
Associate Director of Undergraduate Research

Natasha Mamaril is the director of the Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) program and the associate director of undergraduate research at The Grainger College of Engineering. She has a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MS and PhD in Educational Psychology. Her research is focused on academic motivation, engineering education, and women in science and engineering. She has experience in qualitative and quantitative research and serves as a reviewer for various journals. Prior to pursuing her graduate degrees, Natasha worked for nine (9) years in industry in technical, application development, and marketing positions.

Natasha joined UIUC in 2014 coordinating college-wide events and managing the ISUR program. She serves as the principal investigator for the Clare Boothe Luce (CBL) Undergraduate Research Awards grant from the Luce Foundation and the Office of Naval Research grant for the Accelerated Learning and Engineering Research Training (ALERT) Program in Electronic and Cyber Security. In addition to the CBL and ALERT programs, she directs and oversees the Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Research Program (SRC URP), the IBM-IL Discovery Accelerator Institute Undergraduate Research Experience (IIDAI URE) and the DaRin Butz Foundation (DRBF) Research Scholars Programs. These different programs leverage on the infrastructure of the ISUR program. Natasha has also managed the Research Scholars cohorts in the Grainger FIrst-Year Experience (GFX) Scholars program since its inception in 2019.

She also teaches courses focused on developing technical communication skills in written and verbal form and has been recognized in the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning List of Teachers ranked as excellent by their students. Natasha enjoys biking, gardening, and traveling with her family.

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